When the wall fell

Bricks, sand, cement
200 x 350 x15 cm
Location: Sint-Jobstraat 59
Duration period: August 31 to November 12,2020

Google maps view:
Sint-Jobstraat 59, 2060 Antwerpen

Bench, wood, screw
280 x 50 x 44 cm


In the present situation of Covid-19 regulations, we must sit on either side of a bench to maintain  social distance, which is far enough so that we cannot touch each other. I used one bench from Bar Paniek for this work. When the bench becomes a seesaw-bench, we can feel the weight and movement of the other person and rebuild a connection in between our bodies. And the way two people play the seesaw shows the relationship between them.

Unspoken/Cupboard, sawdust/221 x 80 x 40cm/2021

People always say to me "I'm sorry, I didn't notice" when they step on the dust on the ground, it's so similar in relationships, to the people we love we say "I'm sorry, I didn't know it would hurt you", dust has no boundaries and neither do relationships.

In old furniture you can always find woodworm, they eat the furniture, make holes and create wood chips, if we don't take care of our furniture they get damaged, if we don't take care of our relationship it gets damaged and dusty too.

This cupboard with window glass, which people often use to display their precious porcelains, I put the dust in a cup to give the dust the shape of a cup. I wanted to show something equally fragile and precious, but with only dust.

Unspoken/Plate, hair /19 x 19 x 3 cm/2021 I cut my hair into small pieces, make it because dust.